Contact Us Location addresses and phone numbers Message Us Activity Contact FormFirst NameLast NameEmailSubjectYour Message Sign me up for the Sunshine in Shirley newsletter I consent to Shirley Community Trust storing my information so they can respond to my enquiry.SendAlternative:WPA Visit the Office Shirley Community Trust Office Corner of Briggs Rd & Clearbrook StreetChristchurchNew Zealand Phone: (03) 981 5521 Office Hours 10 AM – 2 PMMonday to Thursday * PLEASE CALL FIRST * Park Centre 19A Acheson AveChristchurchNew Zealand Phone: (03) 981 5521 Neighbourhood Centre 17 Acheson AveChristchurchNew Zealand Phone Sharyn: 022 621 8269 Community Garden South MacFarlane Parkoff Jebson St. Phone: (03) 981 5521 Our Team Aimee Biddington Youth Worker Ph. 027 568 0833 Email Ann Powley Finance Manager Ph. 03 981 5521 Email Carol Renouf Community Nurse Ph. 027 282 0693 Email Colin Renouf Community Development Worker Ph. 027 639 1331 Email Jane Mitchell Trust Manager Ph. 021 460 097 Email Melanie Busch Ph. Email Sharyn Burnett Community Worker Ph. 022 621 8269 Email