Special events for the Shirley community are held throughout the year. These events always attract new people who start connecting with their neighbours in the safe and non-threatening environment provided.
Our main annual events are:
- Summer Holiday Programme
- Light Party
- SHINE - a community festival
Smaller events during the year:
- Community BBQ’s
- Special Holiday Activities
- Christmas Events
- Youth Events
Check out the Shirley Community Trust Facebook page for dates and details.
Annual Community Events
Upcoming Neighbourhood Events
Mini markets, Christmas Events, Neighbourhood BBQ's, Shirley Family Fun afternoons, Holiday activities and Youth Events etc
See Facebook for updates on dates and events
Additional info
Mostly free. Occasionally koha.
Winners are grinners 😎 Great 3v3 comp, shoot offs, kai and beats 🏀🌭🎛 Thanks to @ycd_chch for another great event! 👏🏻